A holistic approach to Digital Product Design

I am Amir, this portfolio includes some of my thoughts and projects that I have done over the years.

Case Studies

App Sustainable 8min

How We Created a Sustainable App that's Count Your Actions


Website Building 6min

How I digitize a B2B company to improve performance


App Healtcare 8min

Achieve Peace of Mind with Bibo Adaptive Baby Monitoring App


WebApp Personal 4min

Hacking Spotify UI using Psychology of Design



These are some of the projects I've done in the last - that I'm most proud of, the projects reflect different characteristics that I love in my work as Designer. Each project has its starting point, some from data or some from people.

During the phases of the projects, in the background I'm playing some good piano music.

Design Process

Every digital project has a similar process, but not the same.

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I'm not good at chess

Product 4min

Clothes for Orgvsm

3D Renders 3min

Time as performace

Services 4min

Sanremo but fanta


Brand Identy 3min

Me in 60 seconds

Culture, vision and experience

More about me

Bilingual, bicultural - natural ability to connect opposites

Dual Citizen (IT/PAK) - unique perspective

Over 2 years experience with startups

Let's build it ✍🏽

Do you have a cool project where you need help?
Text me and we'll talk about it